The 6 Social Media Trends To Look Out For In 2021

Social media changes fast. 

For many businesses it already used to be challenging to keep up with trends pre-covid, but last year sent the pace of change into overdrive.

And while 2020 was all about video, live-streaming, and Zoom calls, there are new trends on the horizon. 

Want to know what they are, and what you should keep an eye on as a brand? Read on to find out our predictions for the 6 biggest social media trends in 2021. 

1. Audio Takes Over

You might have listened to one or more podcasts over the last month. 

Audio-first media has seen a surge in popularity, with podcasts and audio-books being just a few of them. 

And now there's the popular audio-first social media app, called Clubhouse. It appeared in April 2020 and has since become one of the most hotly discussed apps, with people queuing up for an invite to join. 

Although it currently has only 2 million weekly active users, Clubhouse received its $1 billion valuation beginning of January, joining unicorns like AirBnB, SpaceX and WeWork.  

Discord, originally for gamers, pivoted to positioning itself as an audio platform for everyone. And several other audio-first platforms have appeared such as Riffr, Wavve and Spoon

Make sure to keep a close eye on this trend and start implementing audio into your marketing mix.

2. LinkedIn Marketing Goes B2C

LinkedIn’s popularity is growing fast. And not just for B2B.

By now, more and more B2C brands are finding their way onto the platform as well, increasing the platform’s power and marketing potential. 

As the platform is mostly known as a professional network it's that much easier to stand out with non-work related content. And LinkedIn’s user demographics and targeting options make it especially valuable for certain types of brands. 

LinkedIn’s audience (as compared to the average):

You can also target based on company, industry, and job title. Options you don’t have on the other big social media platforms like Facebook. 

These options allow you to reach:

  • Consultants at McKinsey who have to travel a lot

  • CEOs of enterprises who can afford a Rolex watch

  • Office managers in Austria who want to organise a company retreat

But there are other reasons why you should be on LinkedIn right now. Want to know the other 5 as well? Stay tuned for our upcoming blog post!

3. Livestream Becomes A Trend On Social Commerce

What do you get when you combine two of the biggest social media trends of 2020, social commerce and live-streaming?

Social commerce, highly anticipated for years, finally gained ground in 2020. It took the entire experience of shopping onto social media. From browsing, to sharing with friends and purchasing—social commerce makes it into a seamless and social experience. 

And it's not just a trend in China anymore. The rest of the world is also starting to catch on, with the streetwear drop live-streaming app NTWRK and German winemakers hosting wine tastings through Facebook Live. 

In the meanwhile, Facebook is equipping Instagram with the features to make instant checkout possible. And a recently announced collaboration between TikTok and Shopify could push the format to new heights.

In other words: the signs are there that this could soon become a big hit in Europe as well. 

4. People Flock To Smaller Online Communities

Socialising that used to be done in small groups offline found its equivalent in the cyberspace.

There are currently over 10 million groups on Facebook—communities built around shared hobbies, beliefs, and passions. And over 1.4 billion Facebook members use them every month. 

But it’s not just Facebook where small communities are thriving. LinkedIn Groups, private Slack channels, and rooms on Clubhouse are great examples too. 

And they offer huge benefits for brands. Groups enable brands to get in touch with audiences that share their values and are most likely to buy from them. By getting involved in communities like these, brands can build trust and loyalty. 

And with posts on your Facebook page only being seen by about 5.5% of your audience, switching to advertising in Groups can pay off massively. 

But remember that communities are built on trust and reciprocity. First perform due diligence by listening to what people want and delivering value. And then show them what you have to offer.

5. Purpose Becomes A Necessity

And it's not just to stand out. 

We all know that consumers nowadays demand brands have a purpose. They are becoming increasingly skeptical of ads and empty words, and if you can't show what impact you generate, they're unlikely to buy from you. 

Sustainability plays a huge role in global consumers’ purchase decisions. But you have to walk the talk. How brands were judged during the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 made this clear.

So invest in finding your why and broadcasting this. It'll help you to stand out, connect with your audience on values, and rally them behind your mission. And not just that—your team will also feel more inspired to do kick-ass work. 

But make sure you have an action plan to realise it, and make your mission part of your company culture. Then you can start showing your work to the world! 

Need inspiration? Here we listed brands that rocked their inclusivity marketing and provide valuable lessons for us all.

6. Babyboomers Are Hopping On Social

It's easy to just focus on Gen X, Millennials, and our beloved Gen Z. But did you know that 50+ has been the fastest-growing Facebook user demographic in 2020?

Babyboomers are way more online-savvy than we give them credit for. With the pandemic their use of social media has surged, and numbers indicate they're there to stay.

And that's good to know, as Babyboomers are the generation with the highest disposable income and the biggest brand loyalty. They spend more than any other generation. 

So how do Babyboomers use social media? And where can you find them? 

Babyboomers are most likely to be found watching videos on YouTube and scrolling through their Facebook feeds. They use Facebook and Instagram to stay in touch with friends and family. 

Tip: When making content for Babyboomers, know they prefer informative, more slow-paced video content. But don't make the mistake to refer to them as "old" or "fragile". Doing so could alienate your audience, as most Babyboomers don’t feel nor act old.

These are the major trends we've seen bubbling up for a while and predict will become big in 2021. But anything can happen, especially right now.

That’s why we'll be keeping an eye out for any new social media trends that could help you boost your brand engagement. 

Want to stay in the loop? On our Instagram account you can find the latest social media trends + practical tips, so make sure to follow us! 

Prefer a more curated selection? In our monthly Social Trends Update we do a round-up of the latest trends and larger developments in the social media space, plus advice on how to get started.